Students will design a buffer that can maintain a pH within a narrow range when certain amounts of acid and base are added. The activity contains enough materials for 15 groups of students as well as a Teacher’s Guide and Student Study Guide Copymasters. This lab meets Big Idea 6, Investigation 16, Primary Learning Objective 6.18
Kit Includes:
- 1000mL 0.1M Acetic Acid
- 1000mL 0.1M Ammonia
- 1000mL 0.1M Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate
- 1000mL 0.1M Citric Acid
- 1000mL 0.1M Sodium Monohydrogen Citrate
- 1000mL 0.2M Sodium Hydroxide
- 1000mL 0.2M Hydrochloric Scid
- 1000mL pH 7 Buffer
- 25g Sodium Acetate
- 25g Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate
- 25g Ammonium Chloride
- 50g Sodium Dihydrogen Citrate
- 50g Sodium Citrate
- 25g Sodium Chloride
Materials needed but not supplied:
- Balance, Electronic, 0.01g Precision
- Beakers, 150mL, 250mL
- Buret, 50mL
- Lab Stands w/ Burette Clamps
- Graduated Cylinders, 10mL, 100mL
- pH Meter
- Magnetic Stirrer
- Stirring Rod
- Spatula
- Stir Bar
- Wash Bottle
- Water, Distilled
DOT Info:
UN1824, Sodium hydroxide solution, 8, III, Ltd Qty.
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