Human Genetics Experiment Kit

SKU LAB 7 Categories ,


The experiment is based on the transmission of a single inherited trait – the ability to taste harmless PTC (phenylthiocarbamide)


The experiment is based on the transmission of a single inherited trait – the ability to taste harmless PTC (phenylthiocarbamide). The goal is for students to determine if they have this gene. They collect data by testing family members, correlating and pooling the data for the entire class, then calculating the random segregation data according to the Hardy-Weinberg Law. Background information about the Hardy-Weinberg Law and information about calculating gene frequency and the genetics of ABO blood typing are included.

Kit Includes:

  • 1 Teacher’s Guide with MSDS
  • 50 PTC test paper, Strips
  • 50 Control test paper, Strips
  • 50 Genealogy and Data Charts

Scientific Concepts:

  • Develop a controlled experiment and collect data from self and family members
  • Understand and demonstrate principles of heredity and the relationship of dominant and recessive traits
  • Construct a family tree for a single trait in their family

Classroom Planning:

  • up to 50, depending upon how many family members are tested
  • To complete this kit requires approximately one 50-minute class period. Additional class time needed if students collect data from family members


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