Small Group Learning, Properties of Soaps and Detergents


Students will examine the similarities and differences in the properties of soap, hand dishwashing detergent, and machine dishwashing detergent, all provided in the kit. Kit contains enough materials for 5 groups.


Though similar in function, soaps and detergents differ in chemistry and performance. Students will examine the similarities and differences in the properties of soap, hand dishwashing detergent, and machine dishwashing detergent, all provided in the kit. Activities include testing pH, examining the effect of soap and detergent on the surface tension of water, foaming ability, fat emulsification, and the performance of soap and detergent in hard water. Kit contains enough materials for 5 groups. Teacher’s Manual and Student Study Guide copymasters are included.

Aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)*

Disciplinary Core Ideas: PS1.A; PS1.B

Performance Expectations: MS-PS1-3; HS-PS1-3

Cross Cutting Concepts: Patterns; Structure and Function

Engineering Practices: Obtaining, Evaluating and Communicating Information; Planning and Carrying Out Investigations

Kit Includes:

  • 10mL Liquid Soap
  • 10mL Dishwashing Detergent (Hand)
  • 10mL Dishwashing Detergent (Machine)
  • 20mL Vegetable Oil
  • 20mL Calcium Chloride, 5% Solution
  • 20 Disposable Medicine Cups
  • 20 Polystyrene Test Tubes
  • 20 Capillary Tubes
  • 20 Graduated Plastic Pipettes
  • 1 Pkg/50 Universal Indicator Strips

DOT Info

Small quantity exemption 173.4

THIS PACKAGE CONFORMS TO 49 CFR 173.4 for domestic highway or rail transport only

*”Next Generation Science Standards” is a registered trademark of Achieve. Neither Achieve nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards was involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.


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